This series has been an idea I've had for probably about a year or more, now. I always put the idea to the side, since I figured someone would beat me to it and do one first. After waiting a while, I saw no one had even tried anything close to it. So why not?
Thankfully loads of people in the gal comm agreed to help (and I mean loads!). Planning took a lot of time, and we originally planned for a lot more to be included in the series. Unfortunately, not everyone could participate in it this time, just due to school schedules and just life in general. So because of that, I decided to leave the series open. I will add to it as more people can help. (I have a vague idea of doing it in "seasons" like how TV shows have seasons/series. I just don't know how regular that would be!).
I really wish that the series could be more well-rounded, but, again, not everyone who wanted to participate could. It is what it is. It's a little longer than 2 and a half hours long in total, so I think it's safe to say that it's pretty damn well-rounded as is.
Editing was... So much work. I love editing though, so it wasn't that big of a deal. But it was the most time consuming part of the process (aside from waiting for videos to be sent in). I'm really happy with my editing, and I want to say a huge thank you to Jalisa for helping me find an amazing program (WonderShare Video Editor, in case you're wondering!).
On the topic of thanking people, I want to thank everyone who helped, yet again! I know I made a video on it, but honestly, that doesn't even begin to cover how thankful I am to everyone. This video series could never have happened without so many wonderful gals who volunteered to film and to plan everything (God, I was so bad at planning everything out, I actually forgot to include hair). It's so incredible to see everyone who is so passionate about their style willing to help out with this series. I know that we have created something spectacular that will help new gals for years to come (or so I hope).
Also, can I just say how much I was fangirling when Pin and Lisha agreed to be in the series? It's so amazing that these incredible people that I've looked up to for years -- even before ever attempting the style -- agreed to help. I remember watching the Gaijin Gyaru Awards a few years ago and wishing that I could be like them someday, and here they are helping me film! I was totally starstruck.
I'm really so amazed with all the positive messages and comments people have been leaving on the videos, and to me directly. It's so cool to hear people saying that we are helping them out. Honestly, I wished there was something this in depth when I started. I can't wait to see new gals who get some help from this! I actually really love seeing new faces in the comm.
I'm totally rambling, but there's so much I want to get across. It's been a crazy couple of months, and I'm very happy it's over for a while. I can finally get some decent sleep again!
The gal community may seem intimidating, but I know that the majority of us really want to help others. And that's exactly why this series exists.
Thank you especially to Lizzie, Renny, Tia, Motoko, Xin, Maxime, Christina, Lisha and Pin!! ♥~(‘▽^人)
I'm getting all mushy. Anyways, here's the first video in the series! Hopefully there will be much more to come!
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